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1. 投影仪
2. 紫外灯
3. 显微镜
4. 密度计
5. 位移台
6. 折射仪
7. 旋光仪
8. 紫外线强度计
9. 透光率测定仪
10. 色度仪
11. 熔点仪
12. 光度计
13. 光谱仪
14. 海拔仪
15. 护目镜
16. 色谱仪
17. 望远镜
18. 稳像仪
19. 雾度仪
20. 夜视仪
21. 放大镜
日立阿洛卡 彩超 F37
YH300高频电刀 部队中标产品
JYF-10D 牙科x线机
JF-10 携带式诊断x射线机
现在位置:产品中心 >> 仪器 >> 光学仪器、测量测绘仪器  >> 显微镜、放大镜、光学仪器 >> 7. 旋光仪
WGT-S 透光率雾度测定仪

货号:HC00401945     索要资料>>

产品名称:WGT-S 透光率雾度测定仪
产品分类:7. 旋光仪
◆ 测量范围:透光率0~100.0% 雾度0~30%
◆ 准确度:透光率≤1 雾度≤0.5%时≤±0.1%;>0.5%时≤±0.3%
WGT-S Light transmittance / haze meter
Intended use:
WGT-S Light transmittance / haze meter is applicable for light transmission rate / fog density measurement of all transparent or semi-transparent samples with a parallel surface (plastic plates, and sheets, etc), as well as turbidity or clarity determination of liquid samples (water, and drinks, etc.). The technical design meets the requirements of relevant standards, such as GB2410-80, ASTMD1033-61 (1997), and JISK7105-81, etc. The instrument adopted a method of automatic micro-computer operation. It is convenient for use, and may display light transmission rate and fog density at the same time. There is a standard printer interface on it.

◆ Measuring range: light transmission rate: 0 to 100.0% ;fog density: 0 to 30%
◆ Accuracy: for light transmission rate≤1; for fog density: if ≤0.5%, ≤±0.1%;
if >0.5%,≤±0.3%;
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