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1. 投影仪
2. 紫外灯
3. 显微镜
4. 密度计
5. 位移台
6. 折射仪
7. 旋光仪
8. 紫外线强度计
9. 透光率测定仪
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11. 熔点仪
12. 光度计
13. 光谱仪
14. 海拔仪
15. 护目镜
16. 色谱仪
17. 望远镜
18. 稳像仪
19. 雾度仪
20. 夜视仪
21. 放大镜
日立阿洛卡 彩超 F37
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WYA-2S 数字阿贝折射仪

货号:HC00401949     索要资料>>

产品名称:WYA-2S 数字阿贝折射仪
产品分类:7. 旋光仪

    测量范围:锤度(Brix): 0-95%
    准确度:锤度(Brix): ≤±0.1%
WAY-2S Digital Abbe Rerfactometer
Intended use:
WAY-2S Digital Abbe Rerfactometer is used for measuring the refractive index nD of liquid and solid, as well as percentage of solid in a solution of sugar water, i.e. Brix. The instrument adopted a visual sight, and a digital display for the readings. It may perform a temperature correction as measuring the Brix. There is a RS232 interface, and so the data may be sent to a PC.

◆ Measuring range: refractive index nD: 1.3000 to 1.7000
◆ Measuring range: Brix: 0 to 95%
◆ Accuracy: for refractive index nD: ≤±0.0002
◆ Accuracy: for Brix: ≤±0.1%
◆ Range for temperature display (minimum indication: 0.1℃): 0 to 50℃
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